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Home Dental Implants Bone Grafting

Bone Graft
Lincoln Park, NJ

Lobby and waiting area by window at The Implant Center at Comprehensive Dental in Lincoln Park, NJ Bone grafting is a surgical procedure commonly used at The Implant Center at Comprehensive Dental to restore or augment bone tissue in the jaw. It is most frequently used in cases where bone loss has occurred due to tooth loss, gum disease, or trauma.

Bone grafting plays a critical role in providing a stable foundation for dental implants. For our Lincoln Park, NJ patients who do not have the bone density required to support dental implants, bone grafting may give you the opportunity.

Bone Loss

The jawbone is the primary support structure for teeth and provides stability for chewing and speaking. However, when teeth are lost or extracted, the surrounding bone deteriorates without the stimulation from tooth roots.

This deterioration is known as bone resorption. In addition, periodontal gum disease may lead to bone loss around affected teeth, which compromises the jawbone as well.

Types of Bone Grafts Used in Dentistry

Dental bone grafting procedures address the issues of resorption and damage by regenerating the bone tissue in the jaw. There are several types of bone grafts commonly used in dentistry.

Autogenous Bone Grafts

These grafts involve harvesting bone tissue from another site within the patient's body, typically the chin, jaw, or hip. Autogenous bone grafts offer the advantages of live bone cells from the patient that won't be rejected. However, they also require a second surgical site, which may result in additional recovery time.


Allografts use bone tissue obtained from a donor, typically cadavers. The donor bone undergoes extensive processing to minimize the risk of immune rejection. Allografts eliminate the need for a second surgical site on the patient's body, but carry the risk of rejection.

Diagram of dental implant in to jaw bone


Xenografts use bone tissue from a different species, such as bovine or porcine (cows or pigs). Like allografts, xenografts are processed to minimize the risk of rejection. They are used as an alternative when autogenous or allogeneic bone grafts are not feasible or not preferred.

Synthetic Bone Grafts

Synthetic bone graft materials are made from biocompatible ceramics, calcium phosphates, or biodegradable polymers. These materials mimic the structure and function of natural bone and are gradually replaced by the patient's own bone tissue over time. Synthetic grafts eliminate the need for donor tissue, but may not be as effective in promoting new bone growth.

Dental bone grafting procedures are commonly performed in conjunction with dental implant placement. After the bone graft material is placed in the jawbone, it is allowed to integrate and heal for several months before dental implants are placed. This healing period is essential for the bone to regenerate, and provide a stable foundation for the implants.

Potential Complications From Bone Grafts

Complications with bone grafting procedures are rare, but can include infection, inflammation, or the graft may fail to integrate. Proper preoperative evaluation, and post operative care are essential to minimize the risk of complications, and ensure a successful outcome.

Call Your Lincoln Park Dentist Today!

Dental bone grafting is crucial in restoring oral health for patients with inadequate bone density in the jaw so that they are able to regain the ability to eat, speak, and smile with confidence. Call us in Lincoln Park, NJ today to schedule a consultation. (973) 578-6377
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Bone Grafting Lincoln Park NJ
Bone grafting procedures make it possible for our clients in Lincoln Park, NJ to receive dental implants even if they lack the jaw mass. Call now!
The Implant Center at Comprehensive Dental, 166 Main St, 2nd Floor, Lincoln Park, NJ 07035 / (973) 578-6377 / / 9/10/2024 / Page Keywords: dentist Lincoln Park NJ /